
The development of this website is a non-profit enterprise that we develop as a gift to the academy and church worldwide, and to the academy and church in Africa. Part of the vision behind this project is to make African theological voices available to a wider academic audience and to make such resources more accessible to those who serve the mission and theological reflection of the church in contexts where there is little or no access to academic resources behind paywalls. Consequently, the website is open access. Membership is only requested in order to create a community of users and contributors. For the development of this website, we are therefore dependent on both individual givers and institutional donors. Global developments in 2020 have made the development of this website even more urgent as many academic institutions and students in Africa and beyond are forced to move their teaching and studying online.

How to Donate

You can make your donation to the following account: Name: Protestantse Theologische Universiteit, IBAN: NL77 INGB 0000 5707 40, Reference: 11572 RC CTCW projecten. For donors from the Netherlands donations are tax-deductible.

Individual or institutional donors who want to explore the possibility to support the development of existing or new areas of this website (such as new language areas, regions, or subject areas) are invited to contact the editorial team.

PTHU Master of Theology



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