2 PhD Scholarships at The Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

23 Juin 2022

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark is offering two PhD positions.

On its website, the Faculty of Theology writes: Subject to available grants, the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, hereby announces that two three-year PhD scholarships will be available from 1 December 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. The granting of a scholarship carries with it enrolment as a PhD student in the PhD school of the Faculty of Theology. One PhD scholarship is available within all research areas at the Faculty of Theology including Center for African Studies with no special focus areas. One PhD scholarship is available within all research areas at the Faculty of Theology including Center for African Studies but requires that the PhD project employs to a substantial degree, methods deriving from the field of data science, e.g. machine learning, web scraping, or artificial intelligence.

The complete application dossier is due on 1 September 2022 at 23:59 CET. Further information about this position can be found here: https://employment.ku.dk/phd/?show=156488

PTHU Master of Theology


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