ASET Conference 2025: Registration

17 Février 2025

Theme: Eschatology: Doctrine of Last Things in African Christianity

Location: Africa International University

Date: 14-15 March 2025

Conference Announcement

The Africa Society of Evangelical Theology invites you to join our conference on the theme of "Eschatology: Doctrine of Last Things in African Christianity." The Keynote and Paper Presenters will approach this topic from theological, biblical, historical, missiological, educational, philosophical, apologetical, practical theological and cultural perspectives.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Wanjiru Gitau, Assistant Professor of World Christianity and Practical Theology, Palm Beach Atlantic University, US. Born and educated in Kenya, Dr. Gitau has extensive pastoral experience in dynamic congregations, as well as research experience in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and USA. Between 2011 and 2017, she was a researcher with a multi-country project, The Africa Leadership Survey funded by Tyndale House Foundation through eleven collaborating universities. Between 2013 and 2017, she was a researcher, convener and keynoter with the World Christian Revitalization project, funded by Luce Foundation through Asbury Theological Seminary. More recently she has been co-director of a project researching Spirituality, Pluralism and Progress, funded by the Templeton Religion Trust through St. Thomas University. Dr. Gitau is the author of Megachurch Christianity Reconsidered: Megachurch Christianity Reconsidered (IVP Academic, 2018), a "smart and thoughtful analysis of an extremely important phenomenon in contemporary Christianity" (Philip Jenkins).


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Register here.

NB: Conference participants will be required to pay membership and conference fees.

PTHU Master of Theology


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