International Journal of African Catholicism (IJAC)

African Christianity | Lien

“Founded in 2009, the International Journal of African Catholicism (IJAC) is an ecumenical, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal that promotes discussion within the African Catholic community and dialogue between African and international scholars.”


- “Founded in 2009, the International Journal of African Catholicism (IJAC) is an ecumenical, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal that promotes discussion within the African Catholic community and dialogue between African and international scholars.”

- “Supported by Saint Leo University's Department of Religion, Theology & Philosophy, IJAC publishes scholarly articles that reflect on the African experience of Catholicism, and promote discussion among writers around the globe.”

- “The Journal appeals to those interested in the religious life of continental Africa and its dialogue with the world.”

The International Journal of African Catholicism (IJAC) welcomes articles and book reviews related to the mission and purpose of the journal. The scope of the IJAC is interdisciplinary and ecumenical; therefore scholarly submissions are welcomed from a variety of perspectives.

Articles are peer-reviewed and the decision to include articles rests with the editorial board. All writing selected for publication may be edited for style, syntax and content.

Submissions must not be under consideration with any other journal when sent to IJAC.

Send all manuscripts and reviews electronically as a Word document to Dr. Randall Woodard at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

PTHU Master of Theology


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