Adeboye, Enoch A. The Lord Is Your Shadow Means No Plague Will Come near You. Sermon video, 56:36. Given at Redemption Camp, Ogun State, Nigeria. Posted 22 March, 2020.
Bonnke, Reinhard. A Blood-Washed Africa II: The Vision Continues. Documentary video, 21:22. Christ for all Nations, December 1990. Posted 6 August, 2019.
Bonnke, Reinhard. Marked by the Blood of Jesus. Sermon video, 52:23. Given at the Hillsong Conference, Sydney, Australia, in 2006. Posted 24 August, 2012.
Duncan-Williams, Nicholas. The Place of the Blood in a Believer’s Life. Sermon video, 1:05:22. Given at the Prayer Cathedral of Action Chapel International in Accra, Ghana. Posted 23 May, 2016.
AbstractIn West Africa where animal sacrifices and offerings of blood are fed to hungry gods, is there hope of the gospel bringing life in the presence of death?
Jehovah Shalom Acapella. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. Hymn video, 1:15. Performed at Bluff Hill SDA Church, Harare, Zimbabwe. Streamed live 9 April, 2023.
Kolenda, Daniel. The Power in the Blood of Jesus. Sermon video, 1:00:03. Given at the Asanteman Great Gospel Crusade in Kumasi, Ghana, 10-13 November, 2022. Posted 13 November, 2022.
Lausanne Movement. The Holy Communion - Closing Ceremony - Cape Town 2010. Worship video, 21:10. Celebrated at the Lausanne Movement’s Cape Town 2010 Congress on 24 October, 2010. Posted 8 October, 2011.
AbstractThe Closing Ceremony continues with ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’, the Eucharistic prayer and institution, the Lord’s Prayer, ‘The Lamb of God’, and ‘Dona Nobis Pacem.
Mbambo, Ntokozo. The Blood Will Never Loose Its Power (Feat. Hlengiwe Mhlaba). Music video, 9:26. Posted 9 June, 2015.
Monduli Juu Church of Christ. Umeoshwa kwa damu ya Kondoo? [Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?]. Hymn video, 4:20. Performed at Monduli Juu Church of Christ, Tanzania. Posted 5 September, 2022.
Morell, Karen L., and Steven Friedson. Prophet Healers of Northern Malawi. Documentary video, 32:44. Filmed in the Rumphi district of northern Malawi in 1987. African Encounters, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 1989. Added 26 September, 2018.
AbstractThis film explores spirit possession in the healing complex of the Tumbuka speaking peoples of northern Malawi. The program focuses on healers called nchimi who employ elements of Christianity and traditional spirit beliefs in the medical practice creating a syncretic form of religious healing.
Njau, Elimo. Crucifixion. 1959. Photograph of mural on the interior north wall of the Saint James and All Martyrs Memorial Cathedral in Murang’a, Kenya, 3.5m x 4.5m. Pinterest.
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