Society of African Missions (SAM)

The Society of African Missions is an international community of Catholic missionaries who serve the people of Africa and people of African descent around the world.


The Society of African Missions is an international community of Catholic missionaries who serve the people of Africa and people of African descent around the world. SMA stands for our official name: Society of African Missions. People often ask, then why SMA and not SAM? The initials refer to the name in Latin: Societas Missionum ad Afros. SMA was founded at Lyons (France) in 1856 by Mgr Melchior de Marion Brésillac. For a brief overview of the history of the Society of African Missions click here

The 944 members of the Society come from Africa, America, Asia and Europe and work in a number of African countries as well as Europe, the Americas and Asia.

The SMA’s from Africa and Asia are members of our more recent foundations. African members come from Benin, Central Africa, Congo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Togo and Zambia. Asian members come from India and the Philippines.


Provides users with access to vital information about Roman Catholic missionary work across Africa, linking African Catholics to developments elsewhere in the continent and across the world.


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