ATW News: New Individual Bibliography Category

In other to diversify our growing collection of bibliographic resources, ATW is happy to announce the addition of a new category of bibliographies to the Collaborative Bibliography of African Theology. We specifically want to highlight the work of influential African theologians and point to their freely available online resources. We have just completed assembling bibliographies concerning the works of Kwame Bediako, Musa Dube and Tite Tiénou. We would like to point our users to the fact that there are quite a lot of free resources included in these bibliographies: for Kwame Bediako, there are 39 items freely available, for Musa Dube, 47 items, and for Tite Tiénou, 27 items. 

We believe that these bibliographies, now published on our website, are unique for several reasons: first, they offer researchers a fairly comprehensive list of the published works produced by important African theologians whose research continues to generate interest from several scholarly quarters. In some cases, earlier bibliographies of these authors have been published, but we have managed to be more comprehensive.

Second, we selected authors from various countries in Anglophone and Francophone Africa which is indicative of the potential that such bibliographies on African Theology will generate.

Lastly, please note that we have endeavored to include all information available to us at this time concerning the published works of the individual authors. However, if you notice that we may have omitted any of the author’s relevant publications, please do let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can update our bibliographies accordingly. If you would like to help us add a bibliography of a theologian who has been particularly important to you, please, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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