Spotlighting ATW’s Internet Portal: Engaging Africa

29 Octobre 2021

As ATW moves closer to celebrating its first anniversary, we are proud of the emerging status of our website as the primary avenue promoting research in African Theology. For this reason, we would like to spotlight for the attention of our users, the Internet Portal section of ATW’s website.

Divided into six thematic sections (Bible in Africa, African Christianity, African Christian Thought, African Mission, Engaging Africa), each portal section contains links to external websites that offer valuable and free resources to be used by theology students in Africa and beyond, the churches and interested members of the wider African society. For instance, in the section “Engaging Africa,” we recently added a resource on Public Theology called “Open-Access Public Theology Resources,” see here. This resource which addresses questions on Public Theology from multidisciplinary perspectives, is the result of a collaboration between the Lutheran World Federation (Geneva, Switzerland), the Berlin Center for Public Theology (Berlin, Germany) and the Beyers Naudé Center for Public Theology (Stellenbosch, South Africa). Besides this particular resource, there are many other resources ATW has assembled on the internet portal section “Engaging Africa” which can be visited here. The internet portal's recently added items are featured on the front page and in the sidebar. It can also be found through the menu, as seen in the image above. 

PTHU Master of Theology


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