Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) Africa Region

African Mission | Link

"ABWE missionaries and our local partners are bringing light to both urban and rural people groups all throughout what some call the “dark continent."


ABWE missionaries and our local partners are bringing light to both urban and rural people groups all throughout what some call the “dark continent.” In North Africa, we are sharing the gospel in the Islamic world, where the population in some countries is 99.9% Muslim. Along the southern coast of West Africa, we are piercing the darkness in the birthplace of voodoo by training Christian leaders with strong theological education. In sub-Saharan Africa, where many have knowledge of Jesus but also seek comfort in a “prosperity gospel,” we are discipling believers and planting Bible-based churches that are multiplying and reaching new communities with the truth.


For those who are interested in connecting local Christians with developments across the continent, ABWE is mission agency that connects local believers with resources for mission, evangelism, church planting and community development.

PTHU Master of Theology



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