Acts 11 Conference: Registration

26 June 2024

Theme: Witnessing for Christ in a New Age of Migration

Location: Acts 11 Centre, Church Mission Society, Watlington Rd, Oxford OX4 6BZ

Date: 26-27 September 2024


This two-day conference is the inaugural event of the newly established ACTS 11 Project: The Centre for Global Witness and Human Migration. Established in January 2024, this first-of-a-kind Centre exists to facilitate a sustained conversation on the critical subject of human migration and its implications for the Christian faith and mission.

In this event, we will gather to think Christianly together about current trends in migration, to reflect critically on the factors behind the trends, and to attend to stories of migrant Christians — all this to help us discern what God may be up to in this new age of migration and how we can play our roles in it.


The keynote speech will be given by Prof Jehu J. Hanciles, Professor of World Christianity at Emory University. He is the author of two key books on the intersectional discourse between migration, church history, and migration: Beyond Christendom and Migration and the Making of Global Christianity.

He is a leading expert in the study of mission and migration and will help us think about what contemporary migration patterns mean for the Christian community in the world.

In addition to Prof Hanciles, we will have many other experts, including Prof Gregor Etzelmuller and Prof Moritz Fischer from Germany, Dr Easten Law and Dr Gina Zurlo from the United States.


The first day of the conference, 26 September, is a general conference. Anyone interested in the subject of mission and migration is encouraged to attend. The conversation on this day will be of great help to scholars of migration and religion (including Christianity), leaders of mission organisations, teachers of mission and theology, pastors and members of migrant churches, and anybody else who wants to learn more about how migration is shaping the current religious landscape of the world.

On the second day of the conference, we will focus on migration's implications for the study and practice of mission. If migration affects mission in one way or another, both the way we study and teach mission, and how we go about serving in mission around the world must reflect an awareness of this reality. As such, leaders of mission organisations and mission educators are especially invited to attend.


Please register here.

PTHU Master of Theology



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