Pan-African Theology Roundtable: "Reimagining Hospitality in Mission: A Diaspora Perspective from 1 Peter"

10 February 2025

Speaker: Tricia Stephens

Location: Zoom (register at

Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025, 19.00 GMT

In today's rapidly shifting immigration landscape, churches and Christian organisations face both an opportunity and a challenge in welcoming migrants. In the February edition of the Roundtable, Tricia Stephens' presentation will explore how 1 Peter redefines hospitality - subverting traditional host-guest power hierarchies and calling believers to embrace mutuality, vulnerability, and eschatological hope in mission. Drawing from Greco-Roman customs and disapora mission scholarship, her paper will invite us to reconsider hospitality as a fortaste of God's coming kingdom rather than a mere social duty. You are cordially invited to join us at the Roundtable, and feel free to invite a friend!

The Pan-African Theology Roundtable is a project of Missio Africanus and Liverpool School of Theology.

For any enquiries, email Paul at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PTHU Master of Theology



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