Church Mission Society (CMS) Africa

CMS-Africa exists to envision, equip and mobilise leaders in and of the church towards holistic mission.


CMS-Africa exists to envision, equip and mobilise leaders in and of the church towards holistic mission.

Through the footprints campaign, CMS-Africa seeks to lay a foundation for long term sustainability of its international mission footprint in Africa and from Africa by investing in an office block on a prime property in Nairobi, Kenya gifted to us by CMS.

We are trusting God for 3000 people to each pay for the purchase of the cost of building and furnishing one square meter of the building. This will allow CMS-Africa to occupy one floor and rent out four floors to generate income for missions work across the continent.


Continuing a long tradition of involvement in Africa, CMS-Africa exists to accompany Africa's church leaders through training programs that support the mission of the church in Africa.


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