Moya Chronicles


Moya Chronicles publishes 2-page blog posts that discusses current and practical issues affecting African Christians in Africa and among the African Diaspora.

On its website, Dr Kwyani describes Moya Chronicles as one that "chases the story of God’s Spirit at work in Africa and among Africans by addressing practical issues facing African congregations both in Africa and in the African diaspora. The articles are written for African church leaders (bishops, pastors, ministers, musicians, and many others) interested in thinking critically about their ministries and the contexts in which they serve God. Even though the articles are written and edited with academic rigour, their primary audience includes African Christians who have neither access nor interest in academic theology."


The blogs could provide insights that stimulate further research on issues affecting the lived ambiance of Christianity on the continent and among the African diaspora. Blog ideas from prospective contributors and interested members of the public can email their articles to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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