Partner Spotlight: Pan-African Theological Roundtable

As Christianity continues to expand across the African continent and among the African diaspora, scholars interested in understanding the theological embroidery offered by African Christian constituents have gathered pace. More often than not, the scholarly initiatives to study recent African Christian developments have come from non-African voices and sources.

To address the potential rift between African Christian scholarship and those who produce those development, the Pan-African Theological Roundtable was launched by Missio Africanus, a new partner of African Theology Worldwide. The Roundtable brings together mainly young and established African theologians and scholars to dialogue with scholars from elsewhere who are interested in the ongoing issues in African Christianity and the theologies it produces. This monthly gathering which usually convenes every first Tuesday of the month, is led by either an Africa or overseas-based scholar. After her/his presentation, the roundtable discusses the topic to broaden understanding. For instance, on Tuesday 5th July 2022, Dr Modisa Mzondi who teaches at the South African Theological Seminary will present a lecture titled “Woza Moya and the Pentecostalisation of African Christianity.” The lecture will begin at 19:00 UK Time. To participate in the roundtable, please register through the link provided and you will receive Zoom login details afterwards:


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